Search Results: "Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo"

1 May 2007

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Ubuntu preloaded in Dell Computers

As old news say, Dell will sell computers preloaded with Ubuntu. The move to sell computers preloaded with Linux was very wise, listening to their customers, and I think that at the end they will also see some kind of benefit from this. And now we see that the distribution chosen is Ubuntu. This is important for Canonical, and Debian should benefit from this as well. But anyway, Linux as a whole will improve, as Dell is going to chose devices that can have a driver in Linux, and write or push for it to be written. So, if that happens, device manufacturers will have an incentive when designing a new device: if they want it to be sold by Dell, it will have to work in Linux. Perhaps this is a bit of an utopia, but it is very important the feeling the market can have about this issue. From year to year I am learning that a very important factor in markets are feeling. Update: BTW; I own a Dell laptop, which I buyed two years ago. With this change, if someday I have the need to buy a new one, I will go agin for Dell.

13 April 2007

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: TomTom Go 510... a Linux device!

TomTom Go 510 A couple of weeks ago my girlfriend buyed me a Tom Tom Go 510 a very popular car GPS navigation system here in Spain (mostly because goverment installed tons of radars for speed control). Today, searching for some info to see if it was possible to update the device using Linux, I discovered that the device runs Linux! So, without knowing, I have an embbeded device running Linux, and more than one million people have also a device running Linux. This clearly shows how Linux can be nice a solution for an embbeded commercial solution.

26 March 2007

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Do you have a multitask enhaced brain?

Who of us, computer literate people, is not used to multitasking when working? We are bombed with information from different sources when in front of computer and we try to get the info as soon as it is produced. But this is no the only environment when you made things in a multitask way: I am sure you have tried to cook while you clean or you read Slashdot at the same time, however not the way your mother does (it is not that my mother reads Slashdot, though), who puts on the fire something that is long to be cooked, and then goes for house cleaning. You try to do that almost at the same time in realtime: pity you don't have a core duo brain and body. The problem is that all we think that this way we perform more: "hey! we are doing a lot of stuff at the same time!" You reply the email as soon as it arrives, though you were writing that report your boss asked you in about that issue, and at the same time you can even drink a coffee, and IM your friend about which movie are you going to watch tonight. But this article in New York Times can help you to see that this is not true. As any CPU out there is penalized when multitasking, as it has to change context, the same happens to us, but for our brain that gap is longer. It is not a good idea to try to multitask and at the end not achieve any of the goals we made. Perhaps this is the reason that can explain Debian Etch release delay. Stop multitasking!

23 February 2007

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Nice photo effect and Connexions

I have found this interesting photo today while I was reading Enrique Dans' blog.
As one of the explanations imply the Nyquist theorem, I have also learnt about Connexions project.

9 January 2007

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: iPhone is born

Steve Jobs have just presented iPhone. Looking at the images, I actually like the interface, and it seems like a very thin device, like an iPod nano or so. A nice toy for mere $499 4GB version or $599 the 8GB one.


25 December 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Python tips for vim

I am using Vim a lot to code in Python. One of the most important thing in Python is indent code properly as t uses indent to mark code blocks, and making that right is a bit painful, as you usually end mixing tabstops with white spaces, which makes code almost unreadable when you open it with an editor with a different tabstop setting. To avoid that, using whitespaces is recommended, but it would be nice that those could be inserted automtacally, and that is what the following lines of code added to your ~/.vimrc file make.
" Tip: set indent parameters for python files.
" Version: 0.1
" Date: 13 May 2006
" Description: most python scripts use four spaces for indenting, but
"              sometimes you will end up editing a script where tabs
"              are used; in these situations it can be useful to
"              automatically detect whether spaces or tabs were used,
"              and set some parameters (or call some functions) consequently.
" Usage: you can put this script in you vimrc and call the PyIndentAutoCfg
"        function with an autocmd associated to python files, or call
"        it manually, or put it in the python.vim syntax script, or... :-)
" Function to set parameters for python scripts that use
" spaces for indention.  This is also the default.  YMMV.
function PySpacesCfg()
  set expandtab " use spaces in place of tabs.
  set tabstop=8 " number of spaces for a tab.
  set softtabstop=4 " number of spaces for a tab in editing operations.
  set shiftwidth=4 " number of spaces for indent (>>, , ...)
  set smarttab
  set autoindent
  set smartindent cinwords=if,elif,else,for,while,try,except,finally,def,class
" Function to set parameters for python scripts that use
" tabs for indention.  YMMV.
function PyTabsCfg()
  set noexpandtab
  set tabstop=4
  set softtabstop=4
  set shiftwidth=4
  set autoindent
" This function returns 1 if the file looks like a python script
" that uses tabs for indenting, or 0 otherwise.
function PyIsTabIndent()
  let lnum = 1
  let max_lines = 100 " max number of lines to check.
  let got_tabs = 0
  let got_cols = 0 " 1 if the previous lines ended with columns.
  while lnum = max_lines
    let line = getline(lnum)
    let lnum = lnum + 1
    if got_cols == 1
      if line =~ "^\t\t" " at least two tabs, to prevent false-positives.
        let got_tabs = 1
    if line =~ ":\s*$"
      let got_cols = 1
      let got_cols = 0
  return got_tabs
" Check the file, and run the relative function.
function PyIndentAutoCfg()
  if PyIsTabIndent() == 1
    call PyTabsCfg()
    call PySpacesCfg()
" Call the PyIndentAutoCfg function.  Uncomment this line if you've copied
" this script in the python.vim syntax file or something like that.
" call PyIndentAutoCfg()
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.py call PyIndentAutoCfg()
Also, if you want to convert a file using tabs to spaces, you can do it by using the following Vim commands.:
:set expandtab
Update: Stefano posted about using filetype hook files instead of au groups. I think it is smarter, and I didn't knew about after/ dir in ~/.vim. So following Stefano's advice, you should put the ebove script in ~/.vimrc/after/ftplugin/python.vim, so it gets loaded automatically when you open a Python file.

24 December 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: First Pixar animation video.

I have discovered a treasure reading a movies blog: first Pixar animation video The adventures of Andre and Wally B. from the astonishing year of 1984. It was filmed when Pixar was still a division in Lucasfilm Ltd., and was directed by John Lasseter and Ed Catmull. As they credit in the film itself, a Cray X-MP/48 was used from Cray Research, and also ten VAX 11/750s from DEC, which were part of MIT's Project Athena. A piece of cake Update: Wikipedia has also a reference to this movie.

10 December 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Sharing files with Windows XP

Was impossible! I thought this could be an easy task. Enable sharing folders and printers in Windows XP Home edition, and access them using smbclient. Ha! Of course I have disabled Windows XP SP2 firewall, but even with that disabled I was not able even of making ping work. So smbclient gives me an error:
jose@gimli:~$ LANG=C smbclient -L //
timeout connecting to
timeout connecting to
Error connecting to (Operation already in progress)
Connection to failed
There should exist an easy way to share a folder among computers in the same network.

6 December 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Db4objects Debian packages

It has took a while, but after some effort and version 6 release I managed to properly compile packages for Debian of db4objects database (Mono version). It is a powerful open source object database, which is easily embedabble, with only a footprint of 3MB of memory (and the Mono stuff of course).

19 November 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Cities with no traffic signals

According to this article, also referred on Slashdot, an European Union project has been developed aimed to check if streets free of any traffic signal or other rules are viable. Seven cities and regions are involved, no one of them in Spain. And I hope things to stay as now. Perhaps this can work in those civilized cultures in which people try to respect others rights. But I am 100% comfident that this won't work in Spain. If people does not respect signal even if they are there and can be fined for not following them, I don't want to imagine what will people make if there are no signals and no rules. The most used motto will be: "And who the ***** are you to tell me that I can not do this?". yay!

5 November 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: New URL for my feed

After detecting some problems on how my RSS2 feed was generated, I investigated a bit on how Pyblosxom was configured. It resulted that I was using old and deprecated plugin, while newest Pyblosxom 1.3 has a flavour for rss2, rss and atom feeds. So, please, point your feed agregators to RSS2 feed, RSS feed or Atom feed.

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: European blackout

Tonight an European power blackout happened. Some problems in the connection between Germany and France make the network unstable. What is most interesting is that this also affected some Spanish regions and Madrid areas. A Spanish windmill power plant and a gas power plant were disconnected from the network. As Joey say, automatic disconnection of users from the network worked, and it never collapsed, but I am amazed how far the problem reached. Also, some of the problems that Joey describe were due to a lowering of network's frequency, below standard 50Hz.

12 October 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Long ago

After writing previous post I have realized that I haven't written any entry in my blog since 24th July. Heh! I hadn't even had holidays then! I have been quite busy enyoing a nice summer, going to Lanzarote some days and resting after the hard last months of work. Now I am working a bit far from home, which means that I don't have a very decent Internet access during the week, so I am not able to blog enough, and I am only trying to keep reading email and having my packages ready, as well as reading different interesting stuff I found out there. Anyway, I hope to keep my blog more updated than these months. For now I am going to update the read books list. I have been reading action novels and so... with summer hot those are the best readings!

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Why Mono sucks?

Basically Mono recommends bundling. Everything. In the most pure Windows spirit. This way you find that tangerine ships not only with sources for daap-sharp and taglib-sharp, which should be packaged separately, but also some precompiled .dll files for Nini, log4net and db4o sources. Nini and log4net are packaged in Debian, so no much problem, you delete them from upstream package and make it use Debian's. The problem comes when I tried to check db4o. It is not packaged in Debian, so I made a Google search for it, and downloaded sources... as well as a precompiled dll of it. Well, it does not only contain sources for db4o but also for other packages!!!! I am not sure what in hell Mono developers are usually smoking, but I think that their model is plain wrong, both in Windows and Linux. As every Linux distribution has demonstrated long ago, having different sources in their own packages is better for quality of software.

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Long ago

After writing previous post I have realized that I haven't written any entry in my blog since 24th July. Heh! I hadn't even had holidays then! I have been quite busy enyoing a nice summer, going to Lanzarote some days and resting after the hard last months of work. Now I am working a bit far from home, which means that I don't have a very decent Internet access during the week, so I am not able to blog enough, and I am only trying to keep reading email and having my packages ready, as well as reading different interesting stuff I found out there. Anyway, I hope to keep my blog more updated than these months. For now I am going to update the read books list.

21 August 2006

Gustavo Franco: Debian Google Calendar

<a href="">Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo pointed out</a> that Google launched its <a href="">Calendar</a> web site. I've decide to keep a public Debian calendar there to see if it will be useful for someone else. Actually there's dinstall run time, debcamp, debconf and debian day events.<br /><br />You can subscribe to the calendar using <a href="">ical</a> or the <a href="">xml</a> address, but you don't need to subscribe. Just search for debian events in Google Calendar and the results will appear. Give it some time, since i just subscribed the events there.<br /><br />Closing, tell me about local Debian events, Debian stuff that runs daily and more and then i'll add it there.

23 July 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: 3D Desktop concept

Amazin video of a 3D desktop.

2 July 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: Beyond CPU C2 state

Mike Hommey has posted an interesting blog entry about how CPU state for saving power can be affected by modules you have loaded. In this case, C4 processor state can only be reached if no uhci_hcd module is present. If it is, the only state the processor can reach is C2, which will at some extent affect battery life. What seems to me quite interesting is the ability to unbind drivers from devices. Sometimes I wonder how many optimizations that are available in our hardware we are missing because of lack of information.

24 June 2006

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: AverTV DVB-T USB2 "Volar"

I buyed yesterday this device, which is a nice DVB-T USB stick, which also includes a RF antenna, though no remote control. I buyed it because it claimed Linux support in the box, and when I was visiting their webpage to see how was that support I was glad to discover that they were pointing to LinuxTV as having support for this device. Of course, I followed the given procedure in linked pages and... nothing. Modules are not aware of this device at all. So I statarted looking at the code and it seems that there is no support for this card yet. But as Avermedia was telling so straight that it has support, I tried to change the code to add the new ID of this card, just in case it could work with the same module than older models. After recompiling and installing the card is detected, but firmware cannot be loaded, as it seems to be incompatible with this device. Looking a bit closer, I found in Avermedia website precompiled modules for FC3, FC4, Mandriva and SUSE, bt not for Debian (even Sarge). They seem to be Avermedia propietary modules, but I should check if they are based upon another GPL module out there, as they are not giving away the source code. So, basically, I have a new DVB-T device that I cannot use though manufacturer claims that it has Linux support (which in part is true).

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo: AverTV Volar chipset

While looking for a driver for my new DVB-T device I decided to open it, as I was suspecting this was a very different device from other AverMedia products. What I have found is that it uses this three chips: I took some photos. So it seems that this device is using quite different (and new) technology than older AverTV DVB-T USB 2.0 device, and it is not supported for now in v4l-dvb drivers (mt2060 tuner is, but DibCom 7700P is not). So I think that a new implementation for this DibCom chip will be needed, as it will be different from DibCom 3000 brancd. Basically we should request info to AverMedia about this chip so a new driver can be developed.

